E-Resource: Crash Course

Back to school time means a lot of student sighing over history and science classes (my students are probably too polite to insult English to my face, and most are very proud of their math skills).  How happy was I when I discovered Crash Course this summer?

Crash Course is a video series by the Vlog Brothers, John and Hank Green.  John is the author of some of my favorite YA novels, including An Abundance of Katherines, which we reviewed recently.  Hank runs several other YouTube channel including another of my favorites, SciShow.  Crash Course videos generally run between 10 and 15 minutes.

Hank uploads biology videos on Mondays, John does world history on Thursdays.  They talk quickly, but the videos have well-designed images and captions … and the images and captions both have little jokes added in, so pay attention and watch more than once!

It takes a special talent to make “The Endocrine System” or “Nationalism” funny and fascinating, but the Greens have exactly that talent.  If you need to take a break from your textbook, try a Crash Course video for fun.

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